Aeronauts is a game of grand quests and small moments; of journeys from the tops of the clouds to the depths of the darkest tunnels. You and your friends tell the story of the crew of a small airship, trying to make their way in a world that is rapidly changing. Are you diplomatic envoys, endeavoring to build connections, or are you a group of ragtag scoundrels simply trying to survive? It’s up to you.
Whatever story you want to tell, it's a dangerous life, and you’ll need wits, luck, and teamwork to stay alive.
The world is covered in purple mist, the legacy of some cataclysm long past. Through the haze have risen several powerful city-states, built where the mist is thin enough that they are not constantly besieged by the fog’s lurking horrors.
Now airships fly above the mist, and a new era of trade and conflict has begun to bustle in. The city-states, previously only in contact through small trading caravans, are now forced to face the reality of different cultures, different ways of life, and the possibility of war.
Aeronauts uses a 3d6 system, and emphasizes narrative role-playing, similar to games like Apocalypse World and Blades in the Dark.
Players are full partners in the story-telling, from contributing details of their own choosing on Perception checks, to pulling the story in new and exciting directions with Kismet.
Combat uses mechanical zone-based moving and fighting, but focuses on helping convert improvised narrative action into concrete mechanical effects.
Ultimately, it’s a game about teamwork and storytelling. Subscribe below to be part of our next playtest!
Do you and your crew have what it takes to survive?
Character art by Alex Falk